

  1. Yi-Hsin Lin, Yu-Chi Yeh, Chii-Ruey Tzeng, Wei-Jen Shang,Jah-Yao Liu, Chi-Huang Chen* (責任作者).
    Evaluating the effects of immunosuppression by in-vivo bioluminescence imaging after allotransplantation of ovarian grafts. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 2011 Feb;22(2):220–227.
    國際醫學期刊優秀論文獎RBM Online 2011 年度最佳論文獎第二名
  2. Tseng H, Liu YL, Lu BJ, Chen CH*(責任作者).
    Immature Testicular Tissue Engineered from Weaned Mice to Adults for Prepubertal Fertility Preservation-An In Vivo Translational Study. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Feb; 23(4):2042.



  1. Hou JH, Weng SM, Jao HW, Lu BJ, Chen CH. Testicular Organoids for Prepubertal Male Fertility Preservation: Artificial Testis Made by 3D Printing of Extracellular Matrix.
    Taiwanese Society for Reproductive Medicine (TSRM). Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2023/08/26-27. (優秀海報獎)
  2. Hou JH, Jao HW, Lu BJ, Lin PL, Wu YC, Lin CJ, Lin KB, Chen CH. Effect of Outpatient Hysteroscopy on The Subsequent Artificial Reproductive Technology for Patient with Normal TVS/HSG – A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis.
    Taiwanese Society for Reproductive Medicine (TSRM). Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2023/08/26-27. (優秀海報獎)
  3. Lu BJ, Liu YL, Chen CH. A novel approach of tracing in vivo bioluminescence imaging expression of vitrified immature testicular tissue grafts until adulthood:a translational transgenic mouse model.
    Taiwanese Society for Reproductive Medicine (TSRM). Taichung, Taiwan. 2021/11/06-07. (口頭第一名)
  4. Chen CH, Lu BJ, Chang YE, Wang CW, Chou SY, Richard Young SH, Weng SM. Ultra-structural analysis of mouse seminiferous tubule: a path towards 3D printed organoid testis for male fertility preservation.
    Taiwanese Society for Reproductive Medicine (TSRM). Taichung, Taiwan. 2021/11/06-07. (優秀海報獎)
  5. Chen CH, Liu YL, Chen CH, Tseng H. In vivo fate mapping of critical spermatogenesis of immature testicular tissue engineering from baby mice for prepubertal fertility preservation. Taiwanese Society for Reproductive Medicine (TSRM). Taipei, Taiwan. 2020/08/22-23. (優秀海報獎)
  6. CH Chen, SJ Tan, CR Tzeng. Ovarian transplantation with scaffold for drug delivery-an in vivo transgenic mouse model. American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). Baltimore, USA. 2015/10/17-21. (優秀海報第二名)
  7. Chen CH, Tseng H, Tzeng CR. In vivo optical imaging of immature mouse testicular tissue engineering by three-dimensional scaffolds for pre-pubertal male fertility preservation. European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). Munich, Germany. 2014/06/29-07/02.
  8. Chen CH, Wang CW, Hsu MI, Chen PH, Tzeng CR. In vivo immature testicular tissue engineering for male fertility preservation – a transgenic mouse model. American Society for Reproductive Medicine 69th Annual Meeting (ASRM). Boston, USA. 2013/10/12-17. (優秀海報第一名)
  9. Chen CH, Wang CW, Tzeng CR. Antiapoptotic agent sphingosine-l-phosphate(SlP) protects against ischemic reperfusion injury of vitrified murine ovarian grafts. Controversies in Cryopreservation of Reproductive cells, Tissue and Organs (CRYO). Berlin, Germany. 2013/03/21-23.
  10. Chen CH, Wang CW, Hsu MI, Tzeng CR. Tracking the development potential and the onset inhibition of primordial follicle of the cryopreserved murine ovary with bioluminescent imaging (BLI) in vivo. The International Ovarian Conference (IOC). Tokyo, Japan. 2012/03/17. (優秀海報第三名)
  11. Chen CH, Tzeng CR, Wang CW, Hsu MI. Bioluminescence imaging (BLI) as a tool to evaluate germ cell in vitro and transplantation in vivo as fertility preservation of prepubertal male mice. American Society for Reproductive Medicine 67th Annual Meeting (ASRM). Orlando, USA. 2011/10/15-19.
  12. Chen CH, Tzeng CR, Wang CW, Hsu MI. Tracking the development potential and the onset inhibition of primordial follicle of the cryopreserved murine ovary with bioluminescent imaging (BLI) in vivo.
  13. Chen CH, Wang CW, Hsu MI, Tzeng CR. Protective effect of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) on chemotherapeutic agent-induced ovarian gonadotoxicity.  Taiwanese Society for Reproductive Medicine (TSRM). Tainan, Taiwan 2011/08/27-28. (優秀論文獎)
  14. Chen CH, Wu GJ, Liu JY, Tzeng CR. Protective effect of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue on chemotherapeutic agent-induced ovarian gonadotoxicity: A mouse model. Fertilink and International Ovarian Conference (IOC). Kyoto, Japan 2010/10/16-17. (優秀論文獎)
  15. Chen CH, Tzeng CR. Tracking the effects of immunosuppression by in vivo bioluminescence imaging after allotransplantation of ovarian grafts. 20th World Congress of The International Federation of Fertility Societies (IFFS). Munich, Germany. 2010/09/12-16.
  16. Chen CH, Shang WJ, Tan SJ, Wu GJ,Liu JY, Tzeng CR, Tsai YC. Reconstitution of spermatogenesis from testis failure after spermatogonial stem cells (SSC) transplantation for male fertility preservation – A transgenic mouse model. The Pacific Rim Society for Fertility and Sterility (PRSFS). Taipei, Taiwan. 2009. (優秀論文獎)



First and Correspondence (第一兼通訊作者)
  1. Chen CH, Chen IC, Wang YC, Liu JY, Wu GJ, Tzeng CR. Boy born after gender preselection following successive gestational androgen excess of maternal luteoma and female disorders of sex development. Fertil Steril. 2009 Jun; 91(6):2732.e5-7.
  2. Chen CH, Chen SG, Wu GJ, Wang J, Yu CP, Liu Autologous heterotopic transplantation of intact rabbit ovary after cryopreservation at -196℃. Fertil Steril. 2006 Oct; 86 (3):1059-66.


First author (第一作者)
  1. Chen CH, Shih TC, Liu YL, Peng YJ, Huang YL, Chen Brian Shiian, Tseng How. Engineered Immature Testicular Tissue by Electrospun Mats for Prepubertal Fertility Preservation in a Bioluminescence Imaging Transgenic Mouse Model. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Oct; 23(20):12145.
  2. Chen CH, Tzeng CR, Wang PH, Liu WM, Chang HY, Chen HH, Chen CH. Dual triggering with GnRH agonist plus hCG versus triggering with hCG alone for IVF/ICSI outcome in GnRH antagonist cycles: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2018 Jul; 298(1):17-26.
  3. Chen CH, Tan SJ, Tzeng CR. In vivo fate mapping of cryopreserved murine ovarian grafts. J Ovarian Res. 2014 Aug; 7:81-7.
  4. Chen CH, Tzeng CR. Ovarian tissue transplantation: current state and research advancement. Curr Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Dec; 2(4):202-210. (Review article)
  5. Chen CH, Huang YH, Lai WF, Wang CW, Hsu MI, Tzeng CR. Bioluminescence imaging (BLI) as a tool to evaluate germcell in vitro and transplantation in vivo as fertility preservation of prepubertal male mice. Fertility Sterility. 2012 May; 97 (1): 192-8.
  6. Chen CH, Yeh YC, Wu GJ, Huang YH, Thomas Lai WF, Liu JY, Tzeng CR. Tracking the rejection and survival of mouse ovarian iso- and allografts in vivo with bioluminescent imaging. Reproduction. 2010; 140: 105-112.
  7. Chen CH, Lee SS, Chen DC, Chien HH, Chen IC, Chu YN, Liu JY, Chen WH, Wu GJ. Apoptosis and kinematics of ejaculated spermatozoa in patients with varicocele. J Androl. 2004 May-Jun; 25(3):348-353.
  8. Chen CH, Zhang X, Confino E, Milad M, Kazer RR. Relationships between peak serum estradiol levels and treatment outcome in in vitro fertilization cycles following embryo transfer on day 3 or day 5. Fertil Steril. 2003; 80:75-9.
  9. Chen CH, Huang RL, Yu MS, Wong LJC, Chao TF, and Chu TY. Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer with gynecologic malignancies: report two families in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc 2001; 100:269-73.


Correspondence (通訊作者)
  1. Young SR, Chang YE, Yang WV, Lu BJ, Chou SY, Chen CH*. Maximize the safety and efficacy of fertility preservation by random start/dual ovarian stimulation for early breast cancer patients. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2023 Mar;62(2):330-333.
  2. Lu BJ, Huang YL, Liu YL, Chen BS, Lin BZ, Chen CH*. Tracking Immature Testicular Tissue after Vitrification In Vitro and In Vivo for Pre-Pubertal Fertility Preservation: A Translational Transgenic Mouse Model. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022 Jul; 23(15):8425.
  3. Tseng H, Liu YL, Lu BJ, Chen CH*. Immature Testicular Tissue Engineered from Weaned Mice to Adults for Prepubertal Fertility Preservation-An In Vivo Translational Study. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Feb; 23(4):2042.
  4. Chang YE, Yu TN, Chen CH, Chou SY, Lu BJ, Chen CH*. The debated role of bariatric surgery in improving in-vitro fertilization outcomes in morbidly-obese infertile women-a case report and brief overview. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Sep; 60(5):935-937.
  5. Lu BJ, Lin CJ, Lin BZ, Huang L, Chien LT, Chen CH*. ART outcomes following ovarian stimulation in the luteal phase:a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2021 Aug; 38(8):1927-1938.
  6. Lu BJ, Chi MS, Lan YP, Chang YE, Chen CH, Chen CH*. Successful live birth after repeated high-dose radiotherapy to the uterus. Reprod Biomed Online. 2021 Apr;42(4):774-777.
  7. Liu YL, Yu TN, Wang PH, Tzeng CR, Chen CH, Chen CH*. Could PGT-A pick up true abnormalities that have clinical relevance? Retrospective analysis of 1043 embryos. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2020 Jul;59(4):496-501.
  8. Yu TN, Liu YL, Lee YX, Tzeng CR, Chen CH*. Vibration-related ovarian torsion in a patient undergoing in vitro fertilization: A case report. Clin. Exp. Obstet. Gynecol. 2020 Jun, 47(3), 415–418.
  9. Chou SY, Chan C, Lee YC, Yu TN, Tzeng CR, Chen CH*. Evaluation of adenomyosis after gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist therapy using ultrasound post-processing imaging: a pilot study. J Int Med Res. 2020 Jun;48(6):300060520920056.
  10. Chan C, Wang CW, Chen CH, Chen CH*. Live birth in male de novo Kallmann syndrome after cross-generational genetic sequencing. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2019 Dec;36(12):2481-2484.
  11. Liu YL, Yu TN, Chen CH, Wang PH, Chen CH*, Tzeng CR*. Healthy live births after mosaic blastocyst transfers with the use of next-generation sequencing. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Nov;58(6):872-876.
  12. Wang CW, Liu YL, Chen CH*. Targeting myotonic dystrophy by preimplantation genetic diagnosis-karyomapping. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Nov; 58(6):891-894.
  13. Chung MT, Tzeng CR, Chen CH, Chan C, Chang YE, Wu YH, Chen CH*. Live euploid birth and complete hydatid mole, followed by partial hydatid mole after ICSI. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2018 Aug;35(8):1533-1536.
  14. Lee YX, Chen CW, Lin YH, Tzeng CR, Chen CH*. Prediction of a rare chromosomal aberration simultaneously with next generation sequencing-based comprehensive chromosome screening in human preimplantation embryos for recurrent pregnancy loss. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2018 Jan;35(1):171-176.
  15. Chen CW, Huang YL, Tzeng CR, Huang RL, Chen CH*. Idiopathic Low Ovarian Reserve Is Associated with More Frequent Positive Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies. Thyroid. 2017 Sep; 27(9):1194-1200.
  16. Hsieh CC, Chen CH*, Shen SY, Tzeng CR. Babies born from three young infertile sisters with premature ovarian insufficiency caused by inherited fragile X syndrome: An intergenerational report. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Feb;56(1):112-113.
  17. Tsai YC, Tzeng CR, Wang CW, Hsu MI, Tan SJ, Chen CH*. Antiapoptotic agent sphingosine-1-phosphate protects vitrified murine ovarian grafts. Reprod Sci. 2014 Feb; 21(2):236-243.
  18. Tan SJ, Lee LJ, Tzeng CR, Wang CW, Hsu MI, Chen CH*. Targeted anti-apoptosis activity for ovarian protection against chemotherapy-induced ovarian gonadotoxicity. Reprod Biomed Online. 2014 Nov; 29(5):612-620.
  19. Chang WH, Liu JY, Yeh YC, Wu GJ, Chiang YJ, Yu MH, Chen CH*. Tubal ligation via colpotomy or laparoscopy: a retrospective comparative study. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2011; 283:805-808.
  20. Tan SJ, Yeh YC, Shang WJ, Wu GJ, Liu JY, Chen CH*. Protective effect of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue on chemotherapeutic agentinduced ovarian gonadotoxicity: A mouse model. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2010; 149: 182–185.
  21. Lin YH, Chang FW, Chen CH*. Perimenopausal amenorrhea with cervical atresia and hematotrachelos. Journal of Medical Sciences. 2010 Aug; 30(4):173-176.
  22. Lin YS, Yeh YC, Tzeng CR, Shang WJ, Wu GJ, Liu JY and Chen CH*. Evaluating the effects of immunosuppression by in vivo bioluminescence imaging after allo-transplantation of ovarian grafts. Reproductive Biomedical Online. 2010; 22:220-227.  RBM online 年度最佳論文第二名
  23. Lin CK, Chang WH, Pan HH, Chen CH*. Postpartum HELLP Syndrome With Unusually High Levels of Liver Enzymes. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Sep;48(3):308-10.
  24. Chang WH and Chen CH*. Unilateral obstructive uropathy caused by deep infiltrating endometriosis. J Med Sci. 2008; 28(2):99-102.
  25. Chang WH, Lin CK, Chiang YJ, Chen CH*. Puerperal hematoma combined with retroperitoneal dissection & obstructive. J Med Sci2008; 28(2): 81-84.
  26. Wu CJ, Peng YJ, Yu MH, Chen CH*. Secretory adenocarcinoma of endometrium in a postmenopausal patient with breast cancer using tamoxifen. Taiwanese J Obstet Gynecol. 2007; 46(1):88-90.
  27. Chen DC, Liu JY, Wu GJ, Ku CH, Su HY, Chen CH*. Serum vascular endothelial growth factor165 levels and uterine fibroid volume. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2005 Apr; 84(4):317-321.
  28. Su HY, Chen CH*, Gao HW, Liu JY. A bicornuate uterus with a unilateral cornual adenomyosis. Obstet gynecol. 2005 May; 105(5):1191-1193.
  29. Wang YC, Su HY, Liu JY, Chang FW, Chen CH*. Maternal and female fetal virilization caused by pregnancy. Fertil Steril. 2005 Aug;84(2):509.
  30. Su HY, Liu HY, Chen CH*. Pelvic inflammatory disease combined with perforated peptic ulcer-mimicking tubo-ovarian abscess. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2005 Mar; 88(3):329-330.
  31. Su HY, Chen WH, Chen CH*. Extra-pelvic endometriosis presenting as a vulvar mass in a teenage girl. Int J Gynaecol. 2004 Dec; 87(3):252-3.
  32. Chang FW, Yu MH, Wu CC, Chen WH, Chen CH*. Cornual pregnancy treated with dilatation and curettage under laparoscopic guidance- a report of two cases. Taiwanese J Obstet Gynecol. 2004; 43(4):229-231.


Co-author (共同作者)
  1. Chen CN, Chang LT, Chen CH, Tam KW. Fertility preservation for women with breast cancer before chemotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Reprod Biomed Online. 2022 Feb;44(2):357-369.
  2. Wang CW, Kuo CY, Chen CH, Hsieh YH, Su EC. Predicting clinical pregnancy using clinical features and machine learning algorithms in in vitro fertilization. PLoS One. 2022 Jun 8;17(6): e0267554.
  3. Chou YC, Chen CH, Chen MJ, Chang CW, Chen PH, Yu MH, Chen YJ, Tsai EM, Yang PS, Lin SY, Tzeng CR. Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) and human leukocyte antigen-C (HLA-C) allorecognition patterns in women with endometriosis. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 17; 10(1):4897.
  4. Chou SY, Chen CH, Tzeng SY, Wen YC, Lin MC, Tzeng CR. Mature cystic teratoma arising from the fimbrial end of the left fallopian tube. a case report. J Int Med Res. 2020 Feb; 48(2):300060519882197.
  5. Yu TN, Liu YL, Wang PH, Chen CH, Chen CH, Tzeng CR. A novel strategy of using corifollitropin alfa in the ultrashort gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) protocol in unselected patients: A patient-friendly alternative. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Sep; 58(5):656-661.
  6. Lee YX, Chen CH, Lin SY, Lin YH, Tzeng CR. Adjusted mitochondrial DNA quantification in human embryos may not be applicable as a biomarker of implantation potential. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2019 Sep; 36(9):1855-1865.
  7. An-Chieh Liu A, Chen CH, Liu WM, Chang CW. A rare Krukenberg tumor arising from a primary adenocarcinoma of the small intestine. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Apr; 57(2):319-322.
  8. Lai GL, Yeh CC, Yeh CY, Chen RY, Fu CL, Chen CH, Tzeng CR. Decreased zinc and increased lead blood levels are associated with endometriosis in Asian Women. Reprod Toxicol. 2017 Sep; 74:77-84.
  9. Wang CY, Lai YJ, Hwang KS, Chen CH, Yu MH, Chen HT, Su HY. Successful treatment with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor for ritodrine-induced neutropenia in a twin pregnancy. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Oct; 55(5):738-740.
  10. Hsu MI, Wang CW, Chen CH, Tzeng CR. Impact of the number of retrieved oocytes on pregnancy outcome in in vitro fertilization. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Dec;55(6):821-825.
  11. Lin HC, Chen CH, Su HY. Bier spots on legs associated with deep vein thrombosis during pregnancy. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Feb; 54(1):102-104.
  12. Wang MH, Chen CH, Wang CW, Hsu MI, Tzeng CR. A higher anti-Müllerian hormone level is associated with an increased chance of pregnancy in patients undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation and intrauterine insemination. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2015 Jan; 35(1):64-68.
  13. Tzeng CR, Chang YC, Chang YC, Wang CW, Chen CH, Hsu MI. Cluster analysis of cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors in women of reproductive age. Fertil Steril. 2014 May; 101(5): 1404-1410.
  14. Wu HM, Tzeng CR, Chen CH, Chen PH. Pelvic endometriosis with peritoneal fluid reduces pregnancy rates in women undergoing intrauterine insemination. Taiwan J Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Dec;52(4):512-515.
  15. Liang SJ, Hsu CS, Tzeng CR, Chen CH, Hsu MI. Clinical and biochemical presentation of polycystic ovary syndrome in women between the ages of 20 and 40. Hum Reprod. 2011 Dec ; 26(12):3443-3449.
  16. Chen HS, Ma HI, Sytwu HK, Wang HW, Chen CCV, Liu SC, Chen CH, Chen HK and Wang Neural stem cells secrete factors thatpromote auditory cell proliferation via a leukemia inhibitory factor signaling pathway. J Neurosci Res. 2010 Nov 15; 88(15):3308-3318.
  17. Chen HC, Sytwu JK, Chang JL, Wang HW, Chen HK, Kang BH, Liu DW, Chen CH, Chao TT, Wang Hypoxia enhances the stemness markers of cochlear stem/progenitor cells and expands sphere formation through activation of nducible factor-1 alpha. Hearing Research 2010; 275:43-52.
  18. Liu YL, Chen CH, Liu JY, Chang FW, Chen IC, Chien HH, Wu GJ. Influence of late follicular luteinizing hormoneconcentrations on ovarian response and fertilization outcome in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization with a short protocol. J Med Sci. 2009; 29(4):195-198.
  19. Wu GJ, Chang FW, Lee SS, Cheng YY, Chen CH, Chen IC. Apoptosis-related phenotype of ejaculated spermatozoa in patients with varicocele. Fertility Sterility. 2009 Mar; 91(3):831-837.
  20. Ding DC, Huang RL, Chen CH, Chao CF, Chu TY. Novel germline and somatic mutations of the MSH2 gene in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer. Clin Genet. 2007; 71: 190–192.
  21. Chang FW, Yu MH, Ku CH, Chen CH, Wu GJ, Liu JY. Effect of uterotonics on intra-operative blood loss during laparoscopy-assisted vaginal hysterectomy: a randomised controlled trial. BJOG 2006 Jan; 113(1):47-52.
  22. Wang YC, Chen CH, Su HY, Yu MH. The impact of maternal cardioversion on fetal haemodynamics European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2006 Jun;  126(2):268-274.
  23. Chang WH, Chen CH, Yu MS. Conservative therapy of stage I endometrial adenocarcinoma and atypical endometrial hyperplasia for the preservation of fertility. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2006; 92(2):137-138.
  24. Zhang X, Chen CH, Confino E, Barnes R, Milad M, Kazer RR. Increasing endometrial thickness is associated with improved treatment outcome for selected patients undergoing in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer. Fertil Steril. 2005; 83:336-340.
  25. Wang YC, Chen CH, Su HY, Li HS, Liu Y. Huge spindle cell hemangioma of the cervix-mimicking a pelvic tumor. Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2005 April 27; 60(2):98-101.
  26. Wang YC, Liu JJ, Chen CH, Peng YJ, Yu MH. Peritoneal tuberculosis mimicking ovarian cancer can be diagnosed by polymerase chain reaction: a case report. Gynecol Oncol. 2005 Jun; 97(3):961-963.
  27. Chen DC, Chen CH, Su HY, Yu CP, Chen WH, Yu MH. Retroperitoneal lymphangiomyomas presenting as a pelvic. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2005 Sep; 84(9):917-20.
  28. Chen DC, Ku CH, Huang YC, Chen CH, Wu GJ. Urinary nitric oxide metabolite changes in spontaneous and induced onset active labor. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2004 Jul; 83(7):641-6.
  29. Chen DC, Chen CH, Su HY, Yu CP, Chen WH, Chu TY. Huge pedunculated fibroma of the vulva. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2004; 83:1091-1092.
  30. Chang FW, Chen CH, Liu JY. Early diagnosis of ovarian pregnancy by ultrasound. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2004 May; 85(2):186-187.
  31. Huang HC, Chen CH, Chu CC, Yu CP, Chu TY. Mature cystic teratoma of ovary with gliomatosis peritonei. J Med Sci. 2004; 24(6):343-346.