
人類生殖。 201169。搶鮮版













 10年第一次接受輔助生殖技術週期進行的世代研究。病患術後接受追蹤,直到活產或停止治療。所有IVFICSI新鮮週期和來自2PN的冷凍胚胎包括在內。累積懷孕率(CPR)和活產率(CLBRs)的估計採用 Kaplan- Meier法 ,包含治療週期數和植入胚胎數。分析認為夫妻不回後續處理週期與那些誰繼續治療者將有同樣的成功機會。結果1998年至和2007年共3011治療的婦女包括在內,2068位兒童出生,婦女曾生過孩子者重新進入分析作為一個新的病人。對於3394病人共8048週期進行觀察,3個週期(週期的中位數每名患者)活產率CLBR 52%,6個週期為72%, 12個週期為85%。年齡達到40歲以下的患者,累計轉移後的六個胚胎活產率CLBR50%。從一個新鮮的週期和其隨後的冷凍週期的平均活產率為33%。我們的分析顯示,人工生殖(試管嬰兒)能達到自然生育率,但無法超過自然生育率。







PS: 鼓勵各位繼續為人工生殖(管嬰兒)奮鬥的






Hum Reprod. 2011 Jun 9. [Epub ahead of print]


Final ART success rates: a 10 years survey.

Gnoth CMaxrath BSkonieczny TFriol KGodehardt ETigges J.


Centre for Family Planning, Gynaecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine (green-ivf), Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Director: Prof. Peter Mallmann), University of Cologne , Rheydter Str. 143, D-41515 Grevenbroich, Germany.


BACKGROUND Cumulative pregnancy rates (CPRs) and live birth rates (CLBRs) are much better indicators of success in IVF programmes than cross-sectional figures per cycle or embryo transfer. They allow a better estimation of patient’s chances of having a child and enable comparisons between centres and treatment strategies. METHODS A 10 year cohort study of patients undergoing their first assisted reproductive technique cycle was conducted. Patients were followed until live birth or discontinuation of treatment. All IVF and ICSI cycles and cryo-cycles with embryos derived from frozen pronuclear stage oocytes were included. The CPR and CLBR were estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method for both the number of treatment cycles and transferred embryos. The analysis assumed that couples who did not return for subsequent treatment cycles would have had the same chance of success as those who had continued treatment. RESULTS A total of 3011 women treated between 1998 and 2007 were included, and 2068 children were born; women already with a live birth re-entered the analysis as a ‘new patient’. For 3394 ‘patients under observation’ with 8048 cycles, the CLBR was 52% after 3 cycles (the median number of cycles per patient), 72% after 6 cycles and 85% after 12 cycles. A CLBR of 50% was achieved for patients aged under 40 years, after the cumulative transfer of six embryos. The mean live birth rate from one fresh cycle and its subsequent cryo-cycle(s) was 33%. Our analysis also shows that ART can reach natural fertility rates but not exceed them. CONCLUSIONS Most couples with infertility problems can be treated successfully if they continue treatment. Thereby ART can reach natural fertility rates. Even with the restrictions in place as a result of the German Embryo Protection Law, CLBR reach internationally comparable levels.




學位: 國防醫學院醫學系畢業(1985/08 - 1992/07) 台北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所博士畢業 (2012) 現職: 臺北醫學大學附設醫院婦產部不孕症科主任(2016.08~迄今) 臺北醫學大學醫學系婦產學科部定專任教授 (2015年2月起~迄今) 經歷: 三軍總醫院婦產部住院醫師(1994/08 - 1999/07) 三軍總醫院婦產部主治醫師(1999/08 - 2011/02) 中華民國駐查德共和國醫療團團長 (1999/08-2000/07) 美國Northwestern University試管嬰兒及人工生殖臨床研究員(2001/05~2002/04) 美國Johns Hopkins University生殖內分泌不孕症臨床研究員 (2001/04-2002/05) 國防醫學院婦產學科部定專任助理教授 臺北醫學大學醫學系婦產學科部定專任助理教授 臺北醫學大學附設醫院婦產部不孕症科主任(2016.08~迄今) 臺北醫學大學醫學系婦產學科部定專任副教授 (2015年2月起~迄今) 國際生殖保存醫學會Newsletter, co-editor 任期一年 中國婦幼保健協會聘任陳啟煌為中國婦幼保健協會生育力保存專家委員會顧問,聘期五年 (2017/11迄今) 海峽兩岸醫藥衛生交流協會生殖醫學分會第壹屆委員會副主任委員,任期三年 (2018/06/08~迄今) 台灣生殖醫學會副秘書長 (2018/09~2020/08)