期刊出處: 生殖生物醫學在線。 2012年07月08日。搶鮮版
人工生殖治療的婦女中妊娠且早期流產是很常見的,但它是否是一個成功在隨後的IVF週期的預後因素還不夠清楚。本研究的目的是,以確定是否有生化妊娠(BP)或自然流產(SA)會影響下一個週期的懷孕率。經歷6678次1998年1月和2010年3月的2687名婦女進行了一項回顧性研究。每個週期的持續妊娠率(PR)相比,患者在他們輔助生殖治療的婦女中妊娠早期流產過與β-HCG顯示未懷孕的流產之間。正在進行的懷孕率的影響因素進行多因素分析。 BP和/或SA的前三個週期沒有顯著改變受孕的機會(16.9%的患者BP和/或SA在上個週期,與16.5%的患者以前沒有懷孕)。從週期4開始,輔助生殖治療的婦女中妊娠早期流產的族群有更好的持續妊娠率(PR)(23.0%和11.2%,P <0.001)相關聯的前一流產的存在下(無論是BP或SA)。最後,BP和/或SA的前一循環中出現在隨後的週期中在重複IVF失敗的患者中的成功是一個積極的標記。在這個充滿挑戰組的患者,這些結果應作進一步調查。治療與輔助生殖治療的婦女在懷孕前三個月流產是常見的,但其意義還不夠健全關於未來繼續妊娠的機會。本研究的目的是確定是否在一個試管嬰兒週期,妊娠早期流產的影響正在進行的懷孕率在IVF週期。 1998年1月和2010年3月接受6678 IVF週期的2687名婦女進行了一項回顧性研究。患者在他們以前的IVF週期與懷孕的流產無法受孕的患者(HCG顯示沒懷孕)在其以前的IVF週期持續的懷孕率進行了比較。多因素分析因素對正在進行的懷孕率的影響,包括年齡,移植胚胎數的和不育的病因進行。在前三IVF週期,我們發現,妊娠早期流產的機會懷孕(懷孕率:16.9%,與上一週期相比,16.5%的患者在前面,誰也無法想像在妊娠早期流產的患者沒有顯著改變週期)。由週期4起,以前的早期流產的存在提供更好的持續的懷孕率(23.0%比11.2%,P <0.001)。總之,先前週期早期流產出現在隨後的週期在重複IVF失敗的患者成功是一個積極的標誌。
Reprod Biomed Online. 2012 Jul 8. [Epub ahead of print]
Previous abortion is a positive predictor for ongoing pregnancy in the next cycle in women with repeated IVF failures.
Haas J, Lerner-Geva L, Yerushalmi GM, Maman E, Yinon Y, Baum M, Hourvitz A.
IVF Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center , Tel-Hashomer, affiliated to the Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University , Tel-Aviv , Israel .
Early pregnancy loss is common among women treated with assisted reproduction treatment, but whether it is a prognostic factor for success in subsequent IVF cycles is not well established. The aim of this study was to determine whether a biochemical pregnancy (BP) or spontaneous abortion (SA) affects the pregnancy rates in the following cycle. A retrospective study of 2687 women undergoing 6678 cycles between January 1998 and March 2010 was performed. Ongoing pregnancy rate (PR) per cycle was compared between patients with a pregnancy loss versus a negative β-HCG in their previous cycles. Multivariate analysis of factors affecting ongoing pregnancy rate was performed. BP and/or SA in the first three cycles did not significantly alter the chances to conceive (16.9% patients with BP and/or SA in the previous cycle versus 16.5% patients with no previous pregnancy). From cycle 4 onwards, the presence of a previous abortion (either BP or SA) was associated with better ongoing PR (23.0% versus 11.2%, P<0.001). In conclusion, BP and/or SA in a previous cycle appears to be a positive marker for success in subsequent cycles in patients with repeated IVF failures. These results should be further investigated in this challenging group of patients.