動人的求子故事-104(Litchi )
她給腹中的兒子取名為”奶雞”(台語荔枝) 故署名Litchi
Dear Dr C,H Chen And staff at TMUH(reproduce center)
We thank you, Kind doctor from the bottom of our heart… and we thanks each wonderful nurse in your department…for assisting and helping us to successful in our IVF journey, While GOD and science worked hand in hand with this miracles, your great personal concern and care were also also extremely helpful, and to each lovely nurse and professional technical staff (Tiffany, Ms chou).
We say biggest thank you to each of your loving, encouraging words, your excellent caring and Kindness, and your genuine sisterly love and support, We appreciate each of more then words can express.
God Bless You
Litchi (from over seas)